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Livestock breeding
Sci-tech agriculture and ecological agriculture are the country's strategic development goals. Whether it is natural development to facility development, flat development to three-dimensional development, or mechanical development to automation, the renewal and iteration of agricultural and livestock construction materials is imminent. Take the construction of pig farms as an example. Intensification, scale and automation are inevitable trends, but at present, in China, the degree of intensification is less than 60%, the degree of scale is less than 45%, and the degree of automation is even lower, less than 25%. The series of products provided by our company can effectively speed up the construction of pig farms and are suitable for large-scale automated breeding.
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Non plague partition
Non plague partitionIntroduction
The partition wall in the pig farm is the last line of defense against African swine fever and other diseases. The most effective measure to prevent and control African swine fever is to block the African swine fever virus together with infected pigs and contaminated people, objects, vehicles, etc. The PVC board can effectively seal off the operation, change the ventilation method, prevent the spread of swine fever, and is easy to install, fast, low cost, flame retardant and environmentally friendly, and reduce the risk of accidents in the pig farm.


Non plague partition board

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